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Registration of Trademarks in Israel – Trademarks

Registration of a trademark or trademarks is an important legal tool in the field of intellectual property. A trademark allows an entrepreneur or company to protect their name or their logo. By registering as a trademark, they can prevent potential competitors from taking advantage of their name, logo and good will. A trademark is a form of protection, which becomes more important the more a company develops and becomes more widely known.

Most types of registered intellectual property have limited time validity, but a registered trademark can be renewed time and again, for ten years each time in Israel, by simply paying a periodic renewal fee.

In other words, once a trademark application has been filed, examined by a trademarks department examiner, and approved, it can be renewed each time it nears its expiry date via a simple procedure only and without further examination.
Trademarks: Against What do they Protect?

Our firm handles the registration of trademarks in various fields in Israel and overseas. Entrepreneurs often think that a trademark only protects their name, but that is not the case. Obviously, it does protect the name of a company their product, but there are also other options.

Trademark – Examples of Trademarks: Words without design and formatting; words with a specific design; commercial symbol (logo); letters or numbers; a combination of letters with a commercial symbol (logo); sounds; colors; three-dimensional signs such as the shape of a product or its packaging.

Three-dimensional trademarks can offer additional protection for the product or its packaging. The advantages to a trademark over other types of protection for intellectual property such as a patent – which acts to protect both the function and design of the product –is that a trademark can be renewed every 10 years via a simple procedural process, involving the simple paying of a fee.

Using a trademark can protect the product and its packaging in special and specific circumstances for a very long period of time.

International Trademark Registration
Our offices handle the registration of trademarks abroad as well as in Israel. From the day that the trademark is filed, additional claims can be submitted for six months in other countries based on the original filing. According to the Madrid Protocol, an Israeli trademark can be filed in more than 90 countries.

Our firm has a network of affiliates in many countries around the globe. In addition, some of our clients request trademarks to only be filed in specific countries, for example, some entrepreneurs or companies may only be interested in filing for a trademark in specific countries, such as the USA.
The above information is partial and incomplete. Please consult with an attorney for any specific case.

For more details, call 972 (0) 3-9711013.
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